As a Supporter
WOW is a fun, educational, hands-on opportunity for students to become familiar with a broad overview of career opportunities. The expo includes “worlds,” or industry sectors, that students will explore through exciting activities. WOW exists to encourage, inspire, and inform students, parents and educators of high-demand, high-wage career options in Pinal County. Today’s challenging economy means young people need to make the best career choice possible. However, many students do not know of the local opportunities available to them. Students in Pinal County are invited to attend.
We have supporter opportunities available. Each level provides your company with exposure and benefits both digitally and in person. More than 600 high school students are expected at the expo. Additionally, parents, educators, elected officials and the community will be invited. With your help and support, the Worlds of Work Pinal County Career Expo will send the message that there is a myriad of career choices available, the future is bright and the time is now for students to start their journey.