Welcome To The World of Technology

Technology is constantly changing and growing, and to keep up with it, careers in this world are always in high demand.

A Day In The Life

If you have an interest in internet security, coding, or building websites, this could be the world for you! You could work for a tech company developing software, or the database administrator in the IT department of a non-tech company ensuring their systems run smoothly. With these and most technology careers you will likely find your work environment to be an office space, but don’t think that means it is not exciting! There is always going to be something new in technology and you need to have a fast-paced and adaptive work ethic to keep up. Most skills in this world can be learned through certification and training programs, but there are many educational paths you can take to pursue a career in technology. Most employers will ask for an associate or bachelor’s degree but will accept candidates with equivalent skill and experience level.

Ask Yourself This

Do you like to stay up to date on the latest technology trends?

Are you interested in designing your own software or apps?

Do you work well in a team?

Do you have what it takes?

Continuous-Learning Mindset
Time-Management Skills

Career-Related Activities

Worlds of Work Pinal County Career Expo
Career Nights
Brain Bowl
Service Clubs
Foreign Language Clubs
Robotics Team
TSA - Technology Student Association

High Demand Careers

World Resources

  • Computer and Information Research Scientist

    Conduct research into fundamental computer and information science as theorists, designers, or inventors. Develop solutions to problems in the field of computer hardware and software.

    Also known as:

    Computer Scientist, Computer Specialist, Control System Computer Scientist, Research Scientist, Scientific Programmer Analyst

    Click here to view Computer and Information Research Scientist Occupation Profile

  • Computer and Information Systems Manager

    Plan, direct, or coordinate activities in such fields as electronic data processing, information systems, systems analysis, and computer programming.

    Also known as:

    Application Development Director, Computing Services Director, Data Processing Manager, Information Systems Director (IS Director), Information Systems Manager (IS Manager), Information Systems Supervisor (IS Supervisor), Information Technology Director (IT Director), Information Technology Manager (IT Manager), MIS Director (Management Information Systems Director), Technical Services Manager

    Click here to view Computer and Information Systems Manager Occupation Profile

  • Computer Network Architect

    Design and implement computer and information networks, such as local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), intranets, extranets, and other data communications networks. Perform network modeling, analysis, and planning, including analysis of capacity needs for network infrastructures. May also design network and computer security measures. May research and recommend network and data communications hardware and software.

    Also known as:

    Design Engineer, Network Analyst, Network Consultant, Network Systems Consultant, Network and Security Engineer, Networking Systems and Distributed Systems Engineer, Solutions Architect, Telecommunications Analyst

    Click here to view Computer Network Architect Occupation Profile

  • Computer Network Support Specialist

    Analyze, test, troubleshoot, and evaluate existing network systems, such as local area networks (LAN), wide area networks (WAN), cloud networks, servers, and other data communications networks. Perform network maintenance to ensure networks operate correctly with minimal interruption.

    Also known as:

    Computer Network Specialist, IT Consultant (Information Technology Consultant), Network Specialist, Network Support Specialist, Network Technical Analyst, Network Technician, Personal Computer Network Analyst, Systems Specialist

    Click here to view Computer Network Support Specialist Occupation Profile

  • Computer Programmer

    Create, modify, and test the code and scripts that allow computer applications to run. Work from specifications drawn up by software and web developers or other individuals. May develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve specific documents, data, and information.

    Also known as:

    Analyst Programmer, Application Programmer Analyst, Computer Programmer, Computer Programmer Analyst, Internet Programmer, Java Developer, Programmer, Programmer Analyst, Web Applications Programmer, Web Programmer

    Click here to view Computer Programmer Occupation Profile

  • Computer Systems Analyst

    Analyze science, engineering, business, and other data processing problems to develop and implement solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. Perform systems management and integration functions, improve existing computer systems, and review computer system capabilities, workflow, and schedule limitations. May analyze or recommend commercially available software.

    Also known as:

    Applications Analyst, Business Systems Analyst, Computer Analyst, Computer Systems Analyst, Computer Systems Consultant, IT Analyst (Information Technology Analyst), IT Systems Analyst (Information Technology Systems Analyst), Information Systems Analyst (ISA), Programmer Analyst, Systems Analyst

    Click here to view Computer Systems Analyst Occupation Profile

  • Computer Systems Engineer / Architect

    Design and develop solutions to complex applications problems, system administration issues, or network concerns. Perform systems management and integration functions.

    Also known as:

    Electronic Data Interchange System Developer (EDI System Developer), Information Technology Architect (IT Architect), Network Engineer, Network and Infrastructure Engineer, Solutions Architect, Systems Architect, Systems Consultant, Systems Engineer

    Click here to view Computer Systems Engineer/Architect Occupation Profile

  • Computer User Support Specialist

    Provide technical assistance to computer users. Answer questions or resolve computer problems for clients in person, via telephone, or electronically. May provide assistance concerning the use of computer hardware and software, including printing, installation, word processing, electronic mail, and operating systems.

    Also known as:

    Computer Support Specialist, Computer Tech (Computer Technician), Desktop Support Technician (Desktop Support Tech), Help Desk Analyst, Help Desk Tech (Help Desk Technician), IS Tech (Information Systems Technician), IT Specialist (Information Technology Specialist), IT Support Specialist (Information Technology Support Specialist), IT Tech (Information Technology Technician), Technical Support Specialist

    Click here to view Computer User Support Specialist Occupation Profile

  • Data Scientist

    Develop and implement a set of techniques or analytics applications to transform raw data into meaningful information using data-oriented programming languages and visualization software. Apply data mining, data modeling, natural language processing, and machine learning to extract and analyze information from large structured and unstructured datasets. Visualize, interpret, and report data findings. May create dynamic data reports.

    Click here to view Data Scientist Occupation Profile

  • Data Warehouse Specialist

    Design, model, or implement corporate data warehousing activities. Program and configure warehouses of database information and provide support to warehouse users.

    Also known as:

    Data Warehouse Analyst, Data Warehouse Solution Architect

    Click here to view Data Warehouse Specialist Occupation Profile

  • Database Administrator

    Administer, test, and implement computer databases, applying knowledge of database management systems. Coordinate changes to computer databases. Identify, investigate, and resolve database performance issues, database capacity, and database scalability. May plan, coordinate, and implement security measures to safeguard computer databases.

    Also known as:

    Database Administration Manager, Database Administrator (DBA), Database Analyst, Database Coordinator, Database Engineer, Database Manager, Development and Database Administration Manager, IS Admin (Information Systems Administrator), IS Manager (Information Systems Manager), Systems Administrator (Systems Admin)

    Click here to view Database Administrator Occupation Profile

  • Database Architect

    Design strategies for enterprise databases, data warehouse systems, and multidimensional networks. Set standards for database operations, programming, query processes, and security. Model, design, and construct large relational databases or data warehouses. Create and optimize data models for warehouse infrastructure and workflow. Integrate new systems with existing warehouse structure and refine system performance and functionality.

    Also known as:

    Data Architect, Data Engineer, Data Officer, Database Analyst, Database Architect, Database Consultant, Database Developer, Database Programmer, Enterprise Architect, Information Architect

    Click here to view Database Architect Occupation Profile

  • Electrical and Electronics Drafter

    Prepare wiring diagrams, circuit board assembly diagrams, and layout drawings used for the manufacture, installation, or repair of electrical equipment.

    Also known as:

    Computer-Aided Design Operator, Designer, Drafter, Drafting Technician (Drafting Tech), Electrical Designer, Electrical Drafter, Layout Designer, Printed Circuit Board Designer (PCB Designer), Staking Engineer, Staking Technician (Staking Tech)

    Click here to view Electrical and Electronics Drafter Occupation Profile

  • Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologist and Technician

    Operate, test, maintain, or adjust unmanned, automated, servomechanical, or electromechanical equipment. May operate unmanned submarines, aircraft, or other equipment to observe or record visual information at sites such as oil rigs, crop fields, buildings, or for similar infrastructure, deep ocean exploration, or hazardous waste removal. May assist engineers in testing and designing robotics equipment.

    Also known as:

    Automation Technician (Automation Tech), Electro-Mechanic, Electromechanical Assembler (EM Assembler), Electromechanical Technician (EM Technician), Electronics Technician (Electronics Tech), Mechanical Technician (Mechanical Tech), Process Control Tech, Product Test Specialist, Test Engineering Technician (Test Engineering Tech), Test Technician (Test Tech)

    Click here to view Electro-Mechanical and Mechatronics Technologist and Technician Occupation Profile

  • Graphic Designer

    Design or create graphics to meet specific commercial or promotional needs, such as packaging, displays, or logos. May use a variety of mediums to achieve artistic or decorative effects.

    Also known as:

    Artist, Brand Designer, Designer, Graphic Artist, Graphic Design Coordinator, Graphic Designer, Online Producer, Production Artist, Publications Designer, Technical Illustrator

    Click here to view Graphic Designer Occupation Profile

  • Information Security Analyst

    Plan, implement, upgrade, or monitor security measures for the protection of computer networks and information. Assess system vulnerabilities for security risks and propose and implement risk mitigation strategies. May ensure appropriate security controls are in place that will safeguard digital files and vital electronic infrastructure. May respond to computer security breaches and viruses.

    Also known as:

    Information Security Officer, Information Security Specialist, Information Systems Security Analyst, Information Systems Security Officer (ISSO), Information Technology Security Analyst (IT Security Analyst), Network Security Analyst, Security Analyst, Systems Analyst

    Click here to view Information Security Analyst Occupation Profile

  • Information Security Engineer

    Develop and oversee the implementation of information security procedures and policies. Build, maintain and upgrade security technology, such as firewalls, for the safe use of computer networks and the transmission and retrieval of information. Design and implement appropriate security controls to identify vulnerabilities and protect digital files and electronic infrastructures. Monitor and respond to computer security breaches, viruses, and intrusions, and perform forensic investigation. May oversee the assessment of information security systems.

    Click here to view Information Security Engineer Occupation Profile

  • Information Technology Project Manager

    Plan, initiate, and manage information technology (IT) projects. Lead and guide the work of technical staff. Serve as liaison between business and technical aspects of projects. Plan project stages and assess business implications for each stage. Monitor progress to assure deadlines, standards, and cost targets are met.

    Also known as:

    Cloud Product Director, Cybersecurity Project Manager, Data Center Product Director, IT Manager (Information Technology Manager), IT Program Manager (Information Technology Program Manager), IT Project Manager (Information Technology Project Manager), Information Systems Project Manager (IS Project Manager), Scrum Master, Transition Program Manager

    Click here to view Information Technology Project Manager Occupation Profile

  • Network Administrator, City of Casa Grande - Pinal County Professional

    Install, configure, and maintain an organization's local area network (LAN), wide area network (WAN), data communications network, operating systems, and physical and virtual servers. Perform system monitoring and verify the integrity and availability of hardware, network, and server resources and systems. Review system and application logs and verify completion of scheduled jobs, including system backups. Analyze network and server resource consumption and control user access. Install and upgrade software and maintain software licenses. May assist in network modeling, analysis, planning, and coordination between network and data communications hardware and software.

    Also known as:

    Information Analyst, Information Systems Manager (IS Manager), Information Technology Specialist (IT Specialist), LAN Specialist (Local Area Network Specialist), Local Area Network Administrator (LAN Administrator), Network Administrator, Network Coordinator, Network Manager, Systems Administrator

    Click here to view Network and Computer Systems Administrator Occupation Profile

  • Penetration Tester

    Evaluate network system security by conducting simulated internal and external cyberattacks using adversary tools and techniques. Attempt to breach and exploit critical systems and gain access to sensitive information to assess system security.

    Click here to view Penetration Tester Occupation Profile

  • Robotics Technician

    Build, install, test, or maintain robotic equipment or related automated production systems.

    Also known as:

    Automation Technician, Electrical and Instrumentation Technician (E and I Technician), Instrument Specialist, Instrument Technician, Instrument and Automation Technician, Instrumentation and Controls Technician, Instrumentation and Process Controls Technician, Process Control Technician, Programmable Logic Controllers Technician

    Click here to view Robotics Technician Occupation Profile

  • Software Developer

    Research, design, and develop computer and network software or specialized utility programs. Analyze user needs and develop software solutions, applying principles and techniques of computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis. Update software or enhance existing software capabilities. May work with computer hardware engineers to integrate hardware and software systems, and develop specifications and performance requirements. May maintain databases within an application area, working individually or coordinating database development as part of a team.

    Also known as:

    Application Developer, Application Integration Engineer, Developer, Infrastructure Engineer, Network Engineer, Software Architect, Software Developer, Software Development Engineer, Software Engineer, Systems Engineer

    Click here to view Software Developer Occupation Profile

  • Software Quality Assurance Analyst and Tester

    Develop and execute software tests to identify software problems and their causes. Test system modifications to prepare for implementation. Document software and application defects using a bug tracking system and report defects to software or web developers. Create and maintain databases of known defects. May participate in software design reviews to provide input on functional requirements, operational characteristics, product designs, and schedules.

    Also known as:

    Automation Tester, Information Technology Analyst (IT Analyst), Quality Assurance Analyst (QA Analyst), Quality Assurance Engineer (QA Engineer), Quality Engineer, Software Quality Assurance Analyst (SQA Analyst), Software Quality Assurance Engineer (SQA Engineer), Software Quality Engineer, Software Test Engineer, Test Engineer

    Click here to view Software Quality Assurance Analyst and Tester Occupation Profile

  • Technical Services Manager, Abbott - Pinal County Professional

    No description available.

  • Technical Writer

    Write technical materials, such as equipment manuals, appendices, or operating and maintenance instructions. May assist in layout work.

    Also known as:

    Documentation Designer, Documentation Specialist, Engineering Writer, Information Developer, Medical Writer, Narrative Writer, Requirements Analyst, Technical Communicator, Technical Writer

    Click here to view Technical Writer Occupation Profile

  • Video Game Designer

    Design core features of video games. Specify innovative game and role-play mechanics, story lines, and character biographies. Create and maintain design documentation. Guide and collaborate with production staff to produce games as designed.

    Also known as:

    Design Director, Designer, Environmental Artist, Game Design Consultant, Game Designer, Gamemaster, Level Designer, World Designer

    Click here to view Video Game Designer Occupation Profile

  • Web Administrator

    Manage web environment design, deployment, development and maintenance activities. Perform testing and quality assurance of web sites and web applications.

    Also known as:

    Corporate Webmaster, Web Administrator, Web Content Coordinator, Web Content Manager, Web Director, Web Manager, Web Site Manager, Web Technologies Administrator, Webmaster

    Click here to view Web Administrator Occupation Profile

  • Web Developer

    Develop and implement websites, web applications, application databases, and interactive web interfaces. Evaluate code to ensure that it is properly structured, meets industry standards, and is compatible with browsers and devices. Optimize website performance, scalability, and server-side code and processes. May develop website infrastructure and integrate websites with other computer applications.

    Also known as:

    Technology Applications Engineer, Web Architect, Web Design Specialist, Web Designer, Web Developer, Webmaster

    Click here to view Web Developer Occupation Profile

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